
  • An open-source toolbox for Multi-patient Intracranial EEG Analysis (MIA). NeuroImage, 2022;257:119251. [doi] Dubarry A-S, Liégeois-Chauvel C, Trébuchon A, Bénar C, Alario F-X.
  • Inter‐individual variability in dorsal stream dynamics during word production. European Journal of Neuroscience, 56(7):5070-5089. [doi] Liégeois‐Chauvel C, Dubarry A, Wang I, Chauvel P, Gonzalez‐Martinez JA, Alario F ‐Xavier.
  • Advances in human intracranial electroencephalography research, guidelines and good practices. Neuroimage, Mar:119056. [doi] Mercier MR, Dubarry A-S, Tadel F, Avanzini P, Axmacher N, Cellier D, Vecchio MD, Hamilton LS, Hermes D, Kahana MJ, et al.
  • Good Scientific Practice in MEEG Research: Progress and Perspectives. Neuroimage, Mar:119056. [doi] Niso G, Krol LR, Combrisson E, Dubarry A-S, Elliott MA, François C, Héjja-Brichard Y, Herbst SK, Jerbi K, Kovic V, et al.
  • Graph theoretical analysis reveals the functional role of the left ventral occipito-temporal cortex in speech processing.  Scientific Reports 12(1):20028. [doi] Wang S, Planton S, Chanoine V, Sein J, Anton J-L, Nazarian B, Dubarry A-S, Pallier C, Pattamadilok C.
  • Cortical Dynamics of Semantic Priming and Interference during Word Production : An Intracerebral Study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31(7), 978–1001. [doi] Anders, R., Llorens, A., Dubarry, A., Trébuchon, A., Liégeois-chauvel, C., & Alario, F.
  • Grammatical class modulates the (left) inferior frontal gyrus within 100 milliseconds when syntactic context is predictive. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 4830. [doi] Strijkers, K., Chanoine, V., Munding, D., Dubarry, A.-S., Trébuchon, A., Badier, J.-M., & Alario, F.-X.
  • Brain and Cognition Motor resonance during linguistic processing as shown by EEG in a naturalistic VR environment. Brain and Cognition, 134(May), 44–57. [doi] Zappa, A., Bolger, D., Pergandi, J., Mallet, P., Dubarry, A.-S., Mestre, D., & Fenck-Mestre, C. (2019).
  • Estimating Parallel Processing in a Language Task Using Single-Trial Intracerebral Electroencephalography. Psychological Science, 28(4), 414–426. [doi] AS Dubarry,  A Llorens, A Trébuchon-Da Fonsesca, R Carron, C Liégeois-Chauvel, C Bénar, F.-X Alario.
  • Technical solutions for simultaneous MEG and SEEG recordings: Towards routine clinical use. Physiological Measurement, 38(10), N118–N127. [doi] Badier, J. M., Dubarry, A. S., Gavaret, M., Chen, S., Trébuchon, A. S., Marquis, P., Regis J., Bartolomei F., Bénar CG, Carron, R.
  • Simultaneous SEEG-MEG-EEG recordings Overcome the SEEG limited spatial sampling. Epilepsy Research, 128, 68–72. [doi] Gavaret, M., Dubarry, A.S., Carron, R., Bartolomei, F., Trébuchon, A., & Bénar, C.
  • Contextual modulation of hippocampal activity during picture naming. Brain and Language, 159, 92–101. [doi] A Llorens, AS Dubarry, A Trébuchon-Da Fonsesca, P Chauvel, F.-X Alario, C Liégeois-Chauvel
  • Response Retrieval and Motor Planning During Typing. Brain and Language, 159, 74–83. [doi] S Pinet, AS Dubarry, F.-X Alario
  • MEG studies of word production: What next? Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 1–4. [doi] D Munding, AS Dubarry, F.-X Alario.
  • Sequential processing during noun phrase production. Cognition, 146, 90–99. [doi] A Bürki, J Sadat, AS Dubarry, F.-X Alario. Cognition. 146, pp90-99
  • On the cortical dynamics of word production: a review of the MEG evidence. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 31(4), 441–462 [doi] D Munding, AS Dubarry, F.-X Alario.
  • Simultaneous recording of MEG, EEG and intracerebral EEG during visual stimulation: from feasibility to single-trial analysis. Neuroimage. Vol. 99, pp. 548–558. [doi] AS Dubarry, JM Badier, M Gavaret, F Bartolomei, R Carron, C Liégeois-Chauvel, A Trébuchon-Da Fonsesca, J Régis, P Chauvel, F.-X Alario, C Bénar.
  • Cephalic aura after frontal lobe resection. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience : Official Journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia, 2013–2015. [doi] Kakisaka Y, Jehi L, Alkawadri R, Wang ZI, Enatsu R, Mosher JC, Dubarry AS, Alexopoulos AV, Burgess RC.
  • Magnetoencephalography correlate of EEG POSTS (positive occipital sharp transients of sleep). Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol 3, No 30, pp 235-7. [doi] Kakisaka Y, Wang ZI, Enatsu R, Dubarry AS, Mosher JC, Alexopoulos AV, Burgess RC.
  • Sensitivity of scalp 10-20 EEG and magnetoencephalography. Epileptic Disorder,Vol 1 No 15, pp 27-31. [doi] Kakisaka Y, Alkawadri R, Wang ZI, Enatsu R, Mosher JC, Dubarry AS, Alexopoulos AV, Burgess RC.
  • Magnetoencephalography reveals a unique neurophysiological profile of focal-onset epileptic spasms. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 229(2), 147–51. [doi] Kakisaka Y, Gupta A, Enatsu R, Wang ZI, Alexopoulos AV, Mosher JC, Dubarry AS, Hino-Fukuyo N, Burgess RC.
  • Utility of temporally-extended signal space separation algorithm for magnetic noise from VNS. Clinical Neurophysiology,Vol 7, No 124, pp 1277-82. [doi] Kakisaka Y, Mosher JC, Wang ZI, Jin K, Dubarry AS, Alexopoulos AV, Burgess RC.
  • Magnetoencephalography in fronto-parietal opercular epilepsy. Epilepsy research, vol. 102, no. 1–2, pp. 71–7. Y Kakisaka, M Iwasaki, AV Alexopoulos, R Enatsu, K Jin, ZI Wang, JC Mosher, A.-S. Dubarry, D. R. Nair, and R. C. Burgess.
  • Clinical evidence for the utility of movement compensation algorithm in magnetoencephalography: successful localization during focal seizure. Epilepsy Research, vol. 101(1-2):191-6. Kakisaka Y, Wang ZI, Mosher JC, Dubarry AS, Alexopoulos AV, Enatsu R, Kotagal P, Burgess RC.
  • Different cortical involvement pattern of generalized and localized spasms: a MEG study. Epilepsy Behavior, Vol 3, No 22, pp. 599-601. Kakisaka Y, Gupta A, Wang ZI, Dubarry AS, Alexopoulos AV, Mosher JC, Burgess RC.
  • Early brain-body impact of emotional arousal. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol 4, No. 33. D’Hondt, M. Lassonde, O.Collignon, AS Dubarry, M. Robert, S. Rigoulot, J. Honoré, F.Lepore and H. Sequeira.
  • Oscillatory activity in parietal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during retention in visual short-term memory: Additive effects of spatial attention and memory load. Human Brain Mapping Proceedings, Vol. 30, pp. 3378-3392. S Grimault, N Robitaille, C Grova, J.-M Lina, AS Dubarry, P Jolicoeur.
  • Movement irregularities in atypical Parkinsonian syndromes. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 542-545. M Philibert, F Richer, P J Blanchet, S. Chouinard, AS Dubarry, E Fimbel.
  • Event Identification in Movement Recordings by Means of Qualitative Patterns. Neuroinformatics, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 239-258. E Fimbel, AS Dubarry, M Philibert; A Beuter.

Chapitre de livre

  • Visual spatial attention and visual short-term memory: Electro-magnetic explorations of mind. In Coltheart, V. (Ed.), Tutorials in visual cognition. Hove, UK: Psychology Press. Jolicoeur, P, Dell’Acqua, R, Brisson, B, Robitaille, N, Sauvé, K, Leblanc, E, Prime, D, Grimault, S, Marois, R, Sessa, P, Grova, C, Lina, JM, & Dubarry, AS